Zilor is a privately held Brazilian multinational that, since 1946, has aimed to contribute to the positive transformation of society through natural and sustainable solutions. In the 2021/2022 harvest, Zilor celebrated its 75th anniversary with a series of initiatives that recalled the beginning and consolidation of this successful trajectory.
Dedicated to the production of sugar, ethanol, and clean and renewable electricity from sugarcane, has three industrial units, located in the interior of the state of São Paulo: Barra Grande (Lençóis Paulista), São José (Macatuba) and Quatá. All sugar and biofuel production is sold by Copersucar S.A., the global leader in the market for these commodities. Zilor is also a shareholder in Copersucar, with a 12.2% stake in the company’s share capital.
The Biorigin business unit, created in 2003, specializes in the production of 100% natural ingredients through biotechnology processes. Its diversified product portfolio serves industries in the human (Food) and animal nutrition (Feed) sectors. Biorigin production takes place in four industrial plants – three in Brazil, located in the state of São Paulo, and one in the United States. Around 90% of its products are exported to more than 60 countries.
The better performance of operations and the strict management of costs and expenses, as well as the discipline in the allocation of resources, also reflected in the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 harvests’ net income evolution, with a record in the last harvest presented.
In the last biennium, the Company has built the + Diversity & Inclusion Program, an initiative that brings together research and knowledge actions on the subject, employee engagement, dissemination of the importance of diversity and inclusion and training for leaders and teams. The Program encompasses actions to promote gender equity, the inclusion of people with disabilities and the appreciation of ethnic-racial, sexual, and intergenerational diversity.
of all Zilor employees are women
of leadership positions* are occupied by women
*Considering director, management, and coordination positions.
of employees declare themselves to be black, brown, and yellow
The Life in Focus Program, created in 2018, is the platform for tools and safety management in operations. The maturation of Life in Focus led to a 23% reduction in the total number of accidents in the 2021/2022 harvest, compared to the 2020/2021 harvest.
Climate change has a strong influence on Zilor’s business model. The need to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases the demand for clean and renewable energy and drives the strategic importance of ethanol and electricity generated by biomass in the global energy matrix. This climate benefit of products is recognized mainly by the RenovaBio Program, a Brazilian public policy to encourage the decarbonization of the fuel matrix.
best score in RenovaBio in terms of CO2 sequestration efficiency, with the lowest anhydrous ethanol conversion rate (São José unity)
reduction in scope 1 GHG emissions (2021/2022 X 2020/2021)
of conservation areas and managed forest remnants (owned and leased areas)
Water resources, in operations, are used in industrial processes with responsibility, with the main objective of continuously reducing water abstraction through more efficient processes and reuse systems. Investments in projects to improve water efficiency enabled a reduction of around 22% in the volume of water abstracted, comparing crop year 2021/2022 with crop year 2019/2020. Investments made in water efficiency improvements at the São José and Barra Grande units were around R$ 42 million in the period 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. In the 2021/2022 harvest, the Company captured 18.9 million cubic meters of water, a reduction of 13.6% compared to the previous period.
reduction in the relative water consumption index (2021/2022 X 2020/2021)
reduction in water abstraction (2021/2022 X 2020/2021)
of Água da Prata Spring project, an initiative to promote environmental protection and community engagement
Zilor’s presence in the municipalities where its units are located has a positive impact on the local community and opens up the opportunity for the Company to act as a protagonist in the sustainable development of these regions. Social investments, in line with the corporate strategy, help people to have access to initiatives that promote education, citizenship and culture. In 2021, the first selection process of incentivized projects was carried out, with the objective of identifying initiatives aligned with the Social Investment Policy and that add benefits to local communities.
in social investiments sociais in the biennium (R$ 2.2 million in 2020/2021 harvest year and R$ 5.2 million in 2021/2022 harvest year)
projects selected for investment via incentive laws (133 projects registered in the selection process)
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