Corporate Governance
We have a solid Corporate Governance that helps manage and monitor Zilor through processes, conducts, traditions and policies, as well as by aligning the interests of partners, the Board of Directors, Board of Executive Officers, inspection and control bodies and other interested parties.
We are continuously improving and we seek the best market practices. In 2018, we strengthened our Governance by restructuring the Board of Directors. The new structure has renowned market professionals, among which is the CEO.
The Board of Directors is assisted by three committees (i) Finance, Audit and Risks, (ii) Strategy and Innovation; and (iii) People Management and Compensation. These committees are coordinated by external members.
Management is composed of market executives with extensive experience in the sector.
Our Governance also has: a Dividend Policy with clear rules set out in the Bylaws; several business and management policies focusing on processes and risk management; and internal audit and controls.
Click here to go to Zilor’s Board of Directors.
Click here to go to Zilor’s Board of Executive Officers.